“wtf is this shit?” That was the comment one individual made in response to a recent facebook post about my poetry anthology, Reborn and Other Versifications. No serious inquiry as to the subject matter, no friendly congratulations, no thoughtful critique. Simply the vulgar question, “wtf is this shit?” I don’t know the person who framed the question so eloquently; nor do I know why he asked the question in the way he did. Feedback is a gift, for sure; how…..
In the Star Wars universe, the Jedi had mastered what they referred to as “The Force,” that semi-conscious energy that surrounds, penetrates, and connects all things in the universe. The website www.starstuffs.com, Interconnection page, illustrates that the various world’s wisdoms have at their root the belief in the unity of all things in the universe and the common quest to achieve unity with our origin.1 Dietrich Bonhoeffer tells us that it is through the knowledge of God as our origin…..