In the Star Wars universe, the Jedi had mastered what they referred to as “The Force,” that semi-conscious energy that surrounds, penetrates, and connects all things in the universe. The website, Interconnection page, illustrates that the various world’s wisdoms have at their root the belief in the unity of all things in the universe and the common quest to achieve unity with our origin.1 Dietrich Bonhoeffer tells us that it is through the knowledge of God as our origin…..
We are a reflection of our origin. Genesis 1:26 and 27 tells us that God created humankind in his image. As such, we are God’s likeness in his creation. We are the “Signature of the Divine;” as the contemporary Christian music group, Needtobreathe, said in the song of the same title. Being created in his image, we are endowed with attributes that relate to God’s nature. One of these is the need to create. In the classic sense, to create…..